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Feeding mode of punch

2020-07-25 09:04:19

There are many kinds of feeding methods for punch press. Most of the materials used in stamping production are sheet metal, cutting material, strip material and block material of various specifications.

Sheet metal is widely used in punching production, suitable for mass production. According to the requirements of national standards, the selection of standard sheet metal is likely to increase the tailing and reduce the utilization rate of materials. However, if the effective nesting layout is selected, this defect can be filled. In many production, we can use the best layout scheme to define the specifications and specifications according to the process regulations, and order from the steel plant. That can improve the utilization rate of materials, but the price is slightly higher than the specification. In production, the sheet metal must be cut into various strips or blocks according to the process specification, and then stamping is carried out.


Cutting material (tube material) is used in many production of high precision punch. The total width of the cutting material is generally less than 200 mm. According to different materials, there are different specifications of the total width. The length can reach several meters to tens of meters, and some thin materials can be as long as hundreds of meters. The high-speed punch press is all used tube material. The high-speed punch is equipped with automatic feeding machine, which does not need manual feeding.

Block material is suitable for small batch and expensive non-ferrous metal stamping.

According to the need of stamping parts, the strip is cut with sheet metal. It is used for the stamping of medium and small parts.

There are manual feeding, automatic feeding and semi-automatic feeding. Considering the production efficiency, production cost, practical operation convenience and safety, the appropriate feeding method is selected.

Generally, manual feeding labor intensity is high, production efficiency is low, but low cost, low speed punch is suitable for small batch production. Automatic or semi-automatic feeding is mainly used for large, medium and large-scale production of high-precision punch and multi-process continuous die production. When the existing automatic or semi-automatic feeding equipment (machine equipment), even for small batch production, the selection of automatic or semi-automatic feeding can not only improve production efficiency, reduce labor intensity, but also be conducive to safety production.

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