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Maintenance of precision punch

2020-07-25 09:04:19

In the maintenance of punch press, if the operator has any unclear points, they can immediately understand the after-sales maintenance personnel, and they will give a detailed explanation.

Press and hold down the emergency stop button as soon as possible in case of any abnormal operation.

Set warning signs before punch maintenance and inform colleagues.


When the punch press is operated according to the standard procedures, the special force should be concentrated. When the punch is running, it is forbidden to put hands and tools into the risk area, and special tools should be used to remove and reduce workpieces.

When checking, adjusting and repairing the punch, stop the fine punch operation as far as possible, and then carry out the operation.

Before punch maintenance, put the power switch of fine punch to off position as far as possible, lock and label, and take out the key

The installation, adjustment, maintenance and other new projects of punch motor equipment should be undertaken by professional electrical personnel. Without willingness or service commitment, it is not allowed to independently transform the control circuit, add equipment other than the original equipment of the machine, or disassemble the original equipment of punch.

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