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What precautions do you need to pay attention to when disassembling and repairing a precision punch?

2019-05-22 11:40:18

The advantages of high-speed production of high-speed punch press manufacturers make the market share of punch more and more large. Some punch presses used by some companies have encountered some troubles and inconvenient. What are the common problems when disassembling and repairing punch presses? For the convenience of the majority of customers and maintenance personnel to make a summary of work experience.

1. First of all, carefully check whether all tools are normal or not, and when using, strict installation safety regulations and actual operation.

2. When the maintenance is carried out by more than one person, the division of labor shall be coordinated with each other, and the disassembly and repair shall not be carried out without preparation.

3. Before disassembly and repair of punch, ensure that the switch of power supply and connection part is cut off, and the main brake fuse of punch is pulled off.

4. When assembling and disassembling the punch, the personnel should first understand the characteristics, efficacy and the key role of each part of the precision punch, and strictly follow the process of disassembly and assembly.

5. When using blowtorch for maintenance equipment, it is necessary to strictly follow the safety and attention operation rules of blowtorch.

6. The personnel shall deliver the raw materials and parts of maintenance tools with care.

Precision punch

7. The disassembled parts should be placed neatly and should not be thrown at will. The parts that can be overturned should be stuck on both sides and are not allowed to rotate.

8. Three core or four core fixed phase power socket must be used to ensure good grounding device.

9. When assembling and disassembling the precision punch, hands and feet should not be placed or stepped on the rotating part of the punch.

10. Maintenance personnel use 36V and below working voltage for portable lamp.

11. Staff must wear insulating knee pads when using electric hand drill, and wear protective glasses when drilling.

12. Be careful of malleable parts when disassembling punch to prevent parts from springing out and causing injury.

13. The electrical service for trial operation must be connected by professional electrician before trial operation.

14. It is forbidden to place tools, cutting tools and other products on the surface of punch slide and paint.

15. When shaft parts are inserted into the components of precision punch, it is forbidden to check and guide the shaft parts and insert them into the hole wall.

16. When loading and unloading parts and handling workpieces, they should be placed properly and reliably to prevent parts from falling and damaging or causing injuries.

17. It is necessary to do a good job of sorting and cleaning up after the repair of precision punch.

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